We are the Modern Woman.
We are the women of today, not the women of 20 years ago who were faced with an either/or choice. A choice between either sacrificing family for career or career for family. We stand authentically empowered and we seek balance in our lives knowing it is possible for us to have it all.
Both a great marriage and a fantastic career come from balance and technique that most of us were not exposed to. Most of us either had women in our lives who were like my grandmother who was strictly a homemaker or women like my mother who stood and burned her bra as a first line corporate executive.
Today we embrace all parts of that which we are that make us whole as women. We are the daughters, the sisters, the friends, the lovers, and the wives, and we accept our love and ourselves in wholeness.
We are the groundbreaking generation for empowered women who follow. As we set new standards, we do so with more knowledge, kindness, and understanding. Successful relationships all have some things in common and I have included a few guidelines to obtain that success.
First is communication. As women, we are Omni-directional and we can multi-task easily. Men, on the other hand, are much more lateral thinking. Give him A to B, one step at time.
It is proven that we, as women, make more decisions by ten in the morning than a man normally does all day long. This is simply because our brains are physically and scientifically wired differently.
If anyone has ever wondered if this has any truth to it, then all you need to do is have your guy sit at the table with you and three of your girlfriends. While the girls start out talking on one subject, instantly switch to another for a moment, and quickly go back to the original subject of conversation, women will follow the conversation. However, typically you will find your guy wondering what shoes have to do with chocolate. He will still be wondering where the first conversation went or will have given up trying to follow your multiple subjects going on at the same time. This is something I have seen in my work with couples time and time again.
When we recognize this, it can make clearer communication much easier, leading to greater partnership and a more lasting degree of intimacy in the long run. This knowledge is a key to lasting relationships and marriages.
The second great key is what I call leveling the waters. It comes from an old Indian story that goes something like this – the Indian warriors would go out of the village for several days at a time to hunt and when they returned, they would circle outside the village and camp for several days. They knew they had been in a different mode, a warrior mode, and yet the village had gone on with its day-to-day calm and relaxed pace. We, as modern women, could easily take our work mode home (Joan of Arc personality instead of the wife personality). But, what if you just sat at the end of your street or driveway (or any type of ritual that works for you) and just let the day go, allowing you to walk into your home and return to your family with a calmer and more relaxed attitude. There is great value in this. Keeping your personal and intimate time separate from your work time is crucial to having balance in a woman’s life.
The third and final key is making your home a place of sanctuary. It should be a retreat from the rest of the world for you and your new husband. Your own love nest, so to speak. The world can be crazy enough and it is a fact that those couples that have a joint place of peace and intimacy find a more lasting connection, in-depth love, and better lovemaking.
As we move into the future, we are becoming the women forerunners for a new way of living. And we can do it without the old guilt of the past. We can be the guides of our new future. We can set the new examples for women that will bring more harmony to our home, life, and love.
Originally published in Bridal Fantasy Magazine 2011.

Shellie A. Hunt M.T, CCHT
Shellie Hunt is an Entrepreneur, Author, Trauma Expert, CEO and Founder of Success is by Design, LLC, & currently 4 other businesses. She is the Creator/Executive Producer of 2 TV Shows launching soon. Shellie’s expertise and passion is evident in her Women’s Empowerment projects and her mission to enable 1 million Women Entrepreneurs in Power, Business, and Community.
Shellie has appeared on CNN/HLN, Forbes, International Press and national talk and radio shows with audiences in the millions.
With Shellie Hunt, you will discover for yourself the tools and techniques for your own proven success. Shellie teaches all of us that Success is not something that happens to the lucky or the gifted… SUCCESS IS BY DESIGN… And your time is NOW!